‘Marc’s lesson in humility, unconditional giving, and trust’ by Sylvia McLeod, (SML)

For this LBL session I guide Marc to a past life through usual relaxation and guided imagery

procedures. We begin our dialogue immediately following my suggestion that he go to a

“different time and different place.”

SML: Look down at your feet and scan up your body and tell me what you are aware of.

M: I have white cloth on my feet.

SML: Do you have a sense of whether you are inside or outside?

M: I hear the sound of water and waves. I'm in a cave by the ocean.

SML: Do you feel like you're a male or a female?

M: I'm a female.

SML: How old are you?

M: I’m in my early 30s.

Sylvia McLeod

SML: So tell me what's going on right now ... what is important to know about who you are

and where you are and what's going on right now?

M: It’s like some kind of a worship ceremony to do with the sunrise. There are others with

me. They’re kind of hunkered down around the edge of the space. They are part of the

ceremony too, but I am leading the ceremony.

SML: Are the others with you male or female?

M: They’re all females.

SML: Tell me more about the ceremony and what happens next.

M: The sensations I feel are pure light, there’s another spirit there with me……. it’s like an


SML: Do you get a sense of the energy of that spirit?

M: The spirit has tremendous energy.

SML: And what is the relationship between you and this spirit?

M: I feel it’s a kindred spirit, and the spirit has joined with me.

SML: Can you get a sense of the purpose of the ceremony?

M: My sense is that the purpose of the ceremony is a deep honoring of our origins or something

like that, our beliefs and practices.

SML: Is there any more you can tell me about yourself and your role in the ceremony?

M: I am starting to sense that I was the guardian spirit for that ceremony. I was an exalted

spirit in the ceremony.

SML: What else can you tell me about yourself in that same lifetime?

M: Earlier, before going to the ceremony earlier, I was just a woman in my community.

SML: What is your name? What do they call you?

M: My name is Aria .... or Ariala,

SML: What is your role in the community?

M: My role is like a healer and teacher and a helper of the community.

SML: Can you get a sense of the place you are in and the time in history?

M: I’m getting that it is in England. About 1,000 years ago.

SML: What else you can tell me? Anything else that is significant to know about that lifetime?

M: It’s interesting that I don’t sense many males around …… there are some, but mostly females.

It’s like a matriarchal society, and the women guide the community. They have the

knowledge and are very connected with nature and each other. It’s not about power. It’s a

very harmonious existence working for each other’s mutual benefit.

SML: How do feel about this lifetime?

M: I’m very pleased with this lifetime, very happy.

SML: So now we are going to move forward to the very last day of that life as Ariala.

I suggest with some emphasis: Be there now .... it's the Last day of that lifetime. And tell

me, is there anything going on that suggests that this will be your last day?

M: Early in the day I have no sense that this is going to be the last day of this lifetime.

SML: And how old are you on this last day?

M: I’m not very old.

SML: So move forward and tell me where you are and if the setting is familiar. And tell me

what is happening as the day goes on.

M: We are setting out on a journey to go somewhere. I may be on my way to the ocean, but

I’m in a dark place like in the woods, and I’m sensing a lot of dread. I just see darkness, like

something’s being hidden from me.

SML: What happens next?

M: We’re being attacked.

SML: Just detach from the body and float over the scene as if you're an interested observer,

and from that perspective, just tell me what happens.

M: Ariala was going along the trail with a couple of female companions, and some men

jumped out and attacked them. Ariala was trying to just talk to them calmly and appeal to

their sense of reason, the higher aspect, but it didn’t help. They stopped these women and

raped them, then killed /Ariala. They stole what they had, which wasn’t much.

SML: From your perspective, floating above the scene as an observer, tell me what happens to


M: My spirit rises and detaches. I’m floating above the body.

SML: As you move away from your physical body, you'll be able to talk to me and answer my

questions. Now you are in touch with your inner self and feel your mind expand to the highest

level of your being. All physical pain and discomfort is left behind, and as you look down at

your body you may perceive some sadness.... tell me where you find yourself in relation to

your body.

M: I'm floating about 50-100 feet above the body.

SML: Is there anyone still near your body at this time?

M: Those thieves and murderers are still there around my body.

SML: So tell me how you're feeling right now.

M: I’m mostly angry and shocked that people could be like this. The community we lived in

was a spiritual community, and we were shielded from this kind of behavior and aspect of the

human condition. This was a big shock. I thought I would just be able to communicate with

them. I had my whole life ahead of me, and I feel like it was way too soon for this life to be

over. I feel angry and shocked and sad, but I feel compassion too. I feel a lot of emotions because

it happened so suddenly.

Client leaves the body behind and begins to leave the earth plane.

SML: As we move on you'll be able to remember many details about your journey back home.

As you move upward to the loving realm of an all-knowing power, everything will become very

familiar to you. As you move away from your body in perfect comfort, you will be returning

home. And as we move away from your body, tell me everything that happens.

M: I meet that being again...the one that was in the cave. And it's a powerful and peaceful

being. I realize that they don't have a gender, it's really just light energy and it's an amazing

being. When it was with me for the ceremony, it presented to me more as a human being, but

its really just energy, and I'm just energy, too, at this point, and this spirit is moving with me.

SML: You're moving together?

M: Yes.

SML: Can you give me more detail about the sense of this entity and if it is familiar to you?

M: Yes, the entity is familiar to me.... this entity is always with me. I asked it, and it told me


SML: What else can this entity tell you about your connection?

M: It can tell me anything and everything. I'm just enjoying being with him.

SML: So just take a moment to do that, and when you're ready you can tell me a little bit

more. Just tell me what you're doing.

M: Every time I leave the body I enjoy being with his energy. Now we are traveling…… we are

traveling a great distance across space, and it’s so much fun. It's just a big adventure, and it's

fun! I love this ….. we’re laughing.

SML: So you've done this many times before?

M: Yeah. We have done this many times before.

SML: How do things appear to you?

M: At first it looked like a whole galaxy, and now it looks like an amorphous light that extends

out for a way, not as big as a galaxy, but more like a big city or something.

SML: As you keep moving, tell me what happens next.

M: There is energy. It’s the same as the being (entity). It's the same as me. It can appear or

present itself into a humanly recognizable configuration, but it does not need to do that.

SML: When it does do that, how does it appear?

M: It's really cool. It’s like it’s more than three dimensional ……like spokes going on to a wheel

into a hub and the spokes are going in all directions. It's like amorphous energy but with more

thick energy that is more concentrated towards the middle. It's not all going to one hub.

There are several little pods.

SML: So where do you go next?

M: We are going toward the middle part of it, but I know that we’re just going to go out to

another spoke, or pod. It’s beautiful colors like orange, magenta. Purple and yellow. It’s really

beautiful, and the pods are like little spheres. I’m dazzled by the whole configuration. It’s

really cool.

SML: Is there a set way that you like to go?

M: Yeah, it feels familiar ..... I am going down certain corridors. I’m going down a corridor,

and I know I’m going to be turning right. Now I’m in the middle of a whole configuration. It’s

like a huge cavernous room almost. There’s a lot of stuff there. It’s like Grand Central Station,

but much grander. It's orderly, and there is a lot activity and everyone is excited about

going to their places.

SML: So it's sort of like a terminal?

M: Yes, it’s like a terminal, and they are all headed into different places and people are with

their entities, like guides and they’re saying things like, “Am I really supposed to go down this

hall?” and their guides are saying, “Yeah, that’s it.” And they’re looking at boards, kind of

like message boards, and other people are just going on their own in a hurry. I’m anxious to

be going down my hallway. I know where I’m going.

SML: Is the entity with you guiding you?

M: Yeah. The entity with me is a guide for me. This being is so wonderful, both male and female

energy, strong, loving, patient and also gently forceful.

SML: Do you know your guide's name?

M: I will ask..... The name is Asriel, or something like that, but I think maybe that’s just a


SML: So just move on down your hallway and just describe to me where you are going and how

it appears to you ..... you've been this way before...

M: Yeah, it's so exciting... I'm going down what looks like a long circular, cylindrical kind of

shape and a lot of shapes branching off into pods, and maybe it goes out beyond and there

are a lot more that branch out more and more. They funnel into like .... collector hallways. I

don’t know how many layers there are, but people are going down all the different ones.

SML: So follow along where you are going and tell me where you go.

M: When I arrive at where I’m going it is like a big surprise party. I know there's going to be a

party...I can feel their excitement and my excitement. I’m going in to that big area and there

are maybe 12 or 20 beings in there.

SML: Are these beings familiar to you?

M: Yeah they are all familiar to me. There is so much happiness there. It is more just like

twinkling light…. just energy. I'm not getting language...they're happy. Two or three came

forward initially and greeted me. Now I am just enjoying feeling their energy. The three that

came forward are very familiar to me. It is interesting that when I went in there I noticed

that there were some entities in there that were not altogether positive. I was surprised

about that because I was looking forward to it and anticipating it so much and feeling so much

positive energy about going there, but there were some that I get the sense were kind of

sneaky. Maybe it’s just part of lifetime patterns, but I still felt that. The three I’m with are

very harmonious, supportive and compatible. These three are so loving gentle and kin. I’m

trying to figure out who they might be in this lifetime.

SML: Ask them to reveal themselves to you.

M: One is my friend, Martha, and one is Florence. The other is my friend, Chuck.

SML: Perhaps you can ask them to tell you about the sneaky ones.

M: (Laughs) I’m skittish about knowing about the sneaky ones, most of them are not sneaky.

There are ten others or so that are wonderful....all of them are wonderful, but some of them

just agreed to take on these difficult roles. That’s part of it……..that is how they do it.

SML: Is that a pattern with your group, and is it usually those same entities that take on those


M: I guess so, yeah. Some of them seem to enjoy it. That's what bugs me! (Laughs)

SML: Does that serve a purpose to the group as a whole?

M: Yeah it does. We are a group that are of service to others. We are caretakers, and we care

about others. I do not get the sense that we have that many heroic, large-scale endeavors.

We do significant things, but it’s on a smaller scale. We love humans on earth. We create

peace on earth and love wherever we are in whatever communities or families we are in, and

when we do it, we are creating energy that moves out throughout the world. But we do it on

a small scale with small groups. We have different configurations of people from the group

that come together in different lifetimes.

SML: Have any of the ones that you consider to be sneaky been with you in physical lifetimes

for certain reasons?

M: Yeah. A lot of the sneaky ones have been in lives with me.

SML: What roles have they played, and what roles have you played?

M: One of them was my murderer in that last lifetime. It makes me mad, but I know there is a

purpose. I have a feeling that my dad and my brother have been challenging to me, but not in

a really harsh way. Others have shown me different ways of being so that I can have the experience.

So sometimes they have roles like that, that are not quite as exalted as I think I am.

I'm kind of arrogant. In some lives they show me my arrogance, and I have to work on that.

We all agree to do different things each time. Like our son, Carlos, is in this group. I think he's

more of a playful spirit, and he doesn’t…… I don’t get the sense he is trying to do evil stuff,

but it's very unconventional. He is more of a playful spirit, and he breaks all the rules in the

roles, but he’s playful like a jester. That's the way he gives others in the group perspective

that the cultural norms are too small. He plays with it, and he knows he is violating the rules.

He takes on some roles that are difficult

SML: Are you getting any messages from the group about the life you just lived?

M: It’s such a party, and everyone’s happy to see each other, so it’s not very organized. They

are telling me that I did a lot of what I was supposed to do in the life as Aria to help others

understand the connection to our origins, our spirits and the peace that is within us. I did that

very well, but, as usual for me, I was a little too serious. I could have lightened up. I was very

focused and on task. I was a driving force in that spiritual community, and I was effective. But

I could have had more fun with it. I healed many generations with what I did, but I still need

to learn to lighten up and ... that's what it is ....in a way it was time for me to get out of that

life because I wasn’t really getting it, and it was time for me to exit that life because I was

starting to get a little too caught up in the power of my position. I was connected in one way,

but I was not getting it. There is a greater purpose to life and death, and the way it unfolded

as well. One, or maybe both, of the other girls that were with me, survived and were able to

deliver that message back to the community, and the community learned to be a little more

careful, as it can be dangerous. I was feeling pretty invulnerable, and I went right up to these

guys with knives and talked to them and told them it was wrong to do this, and it did not

work. I was too direct, and I wasn't tuned into others enough. The surviving two girls conveyed

that to the others and that was incorporated into their practices, and they are safer as

a result. They understood more of the reality of things beyond them as they were very isolated.

SML: So two purposes, one that you were not making enough progress and at the same time

you helped your village. What more can they tell you that is important to know about that


M: They said it was so good that we practiced following our intuition and just deeply believing

and practicing what we felt intuitively. Even though we did not have many teachers, we understood,

and we were really worshiping what we felt, which was the sun, the ocean, nature,

as we felt deeply that what we had was the origin of our human selves as well. It was really

cool that we understood as much as we did and worshipped the way we did, and it’s like,

what we have done over and over again. They are telling me about connections in terms of

community to the same principles and ideas, but there are patterns of isolation and then connection

in terms of community with other human beings, and that's just how it has to go. We

keep learning the same thing in all these communities, and it's connecting back to the same

thing about our origins and the peace within, and what we experience in this little pod here is

that we're energy, and we don’t harm or hurt each other. We need to experience that in the

physical, such as in this last life.

SML: Do you work with any other groups too?

M: Yeah.

SML: And what is the purpose of that?

M: We work with other groups. I’m not sure about the purpose, but the way it works is the

same as within our own small group, but maybe extended out to 10 or 12 other groups. So

sometimes we work with other sister groups that are closely connected groups to incarnate in

lives for certain lessons. So there is cross coupling and cross sharing, but they are more in

outer circles.

SML: So while you are still with your group is there anything more that is important to communicate

before we move on to our next stop?

M: The main communication is just love.

SML: So now ask Asriel if it may be time to move on.

M: He says it is time to go to the Council.

SML: Tell me how you get there.

M: (with a changed tone) Oh. Things have become a little more serious now, and we’re moving

out of the pod area through the series of hallways in reverse order of how we came there,

going back towards the central hub area, and it is like we are going to another, like pod-type

thing. A sphere, but it is closer to the central hub. It looks like it's another little tunnel, but it

is like a conference room.

SML: How does the conference room appear to you?

M: I feel like there are doors. It’s kind of closed. We have to go through doors so we can get

into it from the main central area. It’s like an inverted V shape. Like on a bench but more like

an inverted V pointing up.

SML: How many elders do you see?

M: There are nine, and four are on either side of the V and one is in the center. I stand in

front of them. They are just energy so they don’t need to stand or sit.

SML: How do they appear to you?

M: They appear to me as….. at first I saw them with features, I don't know why, but I was

feeling a defensiveness, but then I allowed myself to really feel them, and there is no judgment

at all. It’s not a judgment like a courtroom. Not like a council where they’re going to

approve your zoning.

SML: What message do they communicate to you?

M: I’m really afraid, and I’m looking back at my guide saying, “What’s going on?” Now his

name becomes more like O'Ryan rather than Asriel. Before, there was a playful quality, and

now it’s getting really serious. O’Ryan is telling me it’s okay, and I feel like a scolded kid. He’s

telling me to pay attention and it’s okay.

SML: What message are you receiving from them?

M: They are very patient with my fidgeting and resistance and all that, and they’re telling me

that you can’t force others to do what you think or what you know is best for them. It is their

choice. They are telling me about patience …… I still need to learn a lot of patience. My impulses

and my instincts are good and so receptive to good things, but I need to be more accepting

of others and their choices. I have to learn that, and when I have learned that I’ll be

much more effective with my involvement in my teaching and guidance or whatever it is I’m


SML: What advice can they give you about how you can best to do that?

M: They are saying, “Lighten up,” and they’re all laughing and really bouncing around.

SML: Do you have a habit of being too serious?

M: Yes. I’m embarrassed like a little kid.

SML: What else do they have to say?

M: They tell me they’re always available to me, and I can visit them with O'Ryan/Asriel at any

time. And I would do well to remember this moment and the feeling of their patience and

their love for me. They are not saying it that way, but I'm saying it that way, and that we are

all guides for each other. We are all spirits for each other, and that's the main thing. I feel

their love and support and kindness, and if I do that I will be fine.

SML: Would it be appropriate now to ask one of your questions?

M: Yes.

SML: Your first question is: What do I need to be shown, or what do I need to know right now

at this point in my soul’s journey for my current life as Marc?

M: They tell me I should just work with O’Ryan on that, and that it’s not a council question.

SML: Let's see about your other questions. Your next questions is: What is my soul’s purpose?

What can I do to better align with that purpose?

M: They say that O’Ryan, my guide, can spend more time with me on that, so I'm just tuned

into to one guide, and I’m not on the defensive and feeling like a little kid since we are more

like pals. Here I feel intimidated even though there’s no reason to feel that way.

SML: So we can save your questions for later when you can do that, but while we're still

there, what else do they feel is important for you to know, or is there anything you would like

to ask them?

M: They are telling me they appreciate me, and I am on the right path and doing the same

work with a higher purpose. The Council is really giving…… like accolades: recognition and

appreciation ……..that this is who I am and what I do and have done, lifetime after lifetime

for a really long time. They say to keep it up and keep the channel open to receive messages

and guidance from them. Trust it because it is subtle when you are in a body, but trust it, and

believe it, and know it, and sense this connection with the Council is always open. It flashes

in and out, but I can ask for it, I can request it, and then I can receive the encouragement

anytime and the guidance too.

SML: What do they say is the best way for you to access this as easily as you can?

M: They say to just get quiet and ask and open up to that guidance and listen. They say just

carry on, it’s okay.

SML: So what are your feelings about yourself now the meeting is drawing to a close?

M: They’re not in that V shape anymore. That was so I would take them seriously. Now they’re

more surrounding us ... me and my guide. They appear luminous, and they are surrounding us.

Wow, this is so beautiful, it's beyond any words. Really, they are just letting me feel the appreciation

and unity, and it’s beyond anything I can convey in words. It’s like they’re charging

me up …. helping me to trust the feeling of being charged up.. It’s like everything went away

except for them and the energy going through them. My guide is so supportive, and they are

channeling a tremendous amount of energy.

SML: Do you get the feeling that there is a “higher” entity present at this meeting?

M: There is an overarching higher being that is included in all of it, and I can feel that. The

Council members are like an example of the overall energy. That is an amazing feeling. They

say just feel that, be that. Trust it.

SML: You always can.

M: I had all this self-doubt like I was going in to be punished ….like, “Am I doing the right

thing?” They’re showing me to feel the goodness and let it flow from the inside out. There is

no time.....it's not just like "class dismissed" when I leave the chamber.... When you experience

it, it continues forever. (After a pause) Wow! Now it’s like I am exiting through a different

dimension. It’s like I came in horizontally, and I’m going out vertically. Up and down.

Wow! I’m exiting with my guide now.

SML: Where do you find yourself now?

M: So now it’s “me and the guide time.”

SML: Where do you go?

M: We go wherever we want. It felt like we were in the middle of outer space or something,

but we can create whatever environment we want to be in for our time together.

SML: So what do you create?

M: Well, I'm happy just in space, but, wow, I mean, I can just barely have the hint of an idea

of a nature scene or tropical rain forest with a waterfall, and it instantly happens. I’m like a

kid in a candy store. Is that what I really want? This is awesome. I’ll just pick one thing, it'll

be ok. I'll just go with that one. I pick one. It's like Hawaii with a meandering stream. There’s

a dark bank behind one side of the stream, and there's a bodhisattva, right there, sitting

there just perfectly. We can get in the water....we got in the water. No, it's the perfect temperature….

Wow, and there are trees and fruit. The river is winding towards the central

peak…. the mountain. We can see it with our mind’s eye. It’s gorgeous, and we’re getting out

of the water and sitting on the bank. It’s a sandy bank right at the foot of this diamond, Buddha-

like figure in a lotus position, and it’s just stunning because you can see through his body.

It’s like he’s made out of clear crystalline material….. he contains so much energy!

SML: What does he represent to you?

M: He represents the overarching God. God crystallized down into this figure that looks like a

human. So peaceful, sitting calm and still, and there is energy moving in and around that figure

who is 10 or 15 or 20 feet high on a volcanic wall. So that’s part of what we’re going to

talk about. It’s so amazing to just sit with these entities like my guide. It's so vast, so much

energy. For my guide to appear in this little guy, like my little buddy is just a generous act

because his energy is so, so vast compared to that. Wow, I’m very humbled, and it is such an

honor …..and this is just my guide!! (Overcome with emotion). And God is 10 trillion times

more than that….. It's like they’re just trying to cure me of my arrogance. Wow. So the big

God, the figure of Crystal on the wall is like my guide and me merged into one. Like Russian

nesting dolls, so I got into my guide and my guide got into me on different levels and each

one of those bodies has billions of nesting dolls inside of it, like the microcosm in the macrocosm

and it’s just energy. Every small one is a replication of the big one. They are all linked.

They are all the same yet different. They are scaled. That’s what they’re showing me. Now

I’m experiencing more on the micro scale, one little particle of life, a very small living entity

swimming around. It’s like I’m an amoeba or protozoa swimming in the body of one of the

smaller scale Buddhas that is the body of a bigger Buddha. And those are just the cells in between

the outer shells of the nesting dolls……and the single-celled animal is incredible! It’s

unbelievable, amazing. The miraculousness of all the scales and the aggregation energy into

all forms, not only the living forms, the crystalline forms like the sand and the rock. It's amazing.

If you had to give it a human purpose or name, you would call it love, too. It's supporting

everything else around it. It’s contributing to its welfare. It’s all, not just interdependent, but

inter-everything! It’s like God’s idea.

SML: What a wonderful gift to be shown that and have that experience.

M: And now I’m getting back on the sandy beach sitting next to another guide who is more

like a separate entity as opposed to the unified entity, like sitting at the feet of the master.

I’m asking this guide to help me and teach me. She is such a strong authority but also so loving.

I asked her what her name is, and she said it was Heron or something.

SML: Can you ask Heron what your soul name is?

M: She says I have many names. It's not important.

SML: Can you ask Heron what the significance is of the experience you just had?

M: It was an incredible gift to be shown what I was shown. It’s like a preview.

SML: So is it appropriate to ask your questions now? Do you still want to ask?

M: Yes, (with enthusiasm first, then with conviction) yes.

SML: So your first question is: What do I need to be shown, or what do I need to know right

now, at this point in my soul’s journey?

M: I’m being shown everything…… I should be in a state of prayer and meditation 24 – 7, but I

just need to know that wherever I am and whatever I am doing, I just need to be this light

that I am. Let things unfold…. They are appropriate..... just whatever comes up, it’s not

about personal accomplishment or achievement. It's not about having or doing. It’s not about

anything like that. It's about going with grace and humility and giving unconditionally like I

always want to do anyway. What I need to be shown is this experience, and that’s what I need

to show to others when the opportunity presents itself. I don’t have to seek it, or create it,

but when these opportunities occur everywhere, all the time in different settings, on different

scales, I need to show this grace, humility, and unconditional giving. The main word I'm

getting is trust. To trust the feelings I get and the intuitions, and when things come up I need

to slow down and pay attention. And when you get an answer, trust it, don’t second guess it,

just get out of the way. Free the self of the preconditions and preconceptions and cultural

conditioning, and acknowledge it and love it for what it is, but don’t let that override the

message. Let it come to the mind from the heart and through the intuition.

SML: Your next question is: Should I be doing anything different to align with my soul’s purpose?

M: It’s just to love, and that’s it. I mean to love .... Language really slows us down, but part

of it is love is stronger when there is pain involved, like when it’s not reciprocated or when

there's pain or perceived danger or whatever. That’s when it’s really needed. That’s when it’s

really powerful. That’s real love. Like when you’re safe and all that, is love too, but the sense

of separation and the pain and all that I’ve experienced and others have experienced, is just

to make the love stronger, more complete, more true, more expansive, and I’m getting a

message that's something like, “Trust in the love of God that is in you.” It sounds miniscule in

words. When you encounter other people’s pain and how that manifests as violence or aggression

and fear, and you love them, that's when you really need love, and I’ve got it. That’s

what I do. What you need is to let go of all the fear and let go of all the pain in you, and then

you are not competing and you know you are on your soul’s journey and living your purpose.

When you are that pure love that you are. Just trust in the love that you are, and you’re always

living your purpose and on your path.

SML: Your next question is: What lesson should I be working on now?

M: What I got was, slow down. Love more. All the other stuff you’re doing…... just balance

that trusting feeling, deeply connecting continuously with this love that you are and the infinite

endless eternal energy that everything is made of. If a human emotion comes up, just

remember that and rest and do whatever you need to do and feel the connection with that.

Knowledge is expansive and true, and all the other little pains and fears are okay, but that’s

not the primary reality. It's interesting that the sense I just got is that fake humility is arrogance.

They’re telling me don’t do fake humility as that is arrogance. Instead, be the power

that you are, and be the loving way for good.

SML: You only have one more question on your list that hasn't already been answered: Am I

holding any other energy from past lives that I would benefit from releasing, and if so, may I

have help in releasing it?

M: I feel something in my throat. Wow! This is more of a feeling of something coming up from

my gut. I’m feeling it in my body before I get the image, but it’s a release, and I’m getting it

right now. I’m asking my guide if I need a conscious reminder of this lifetime to help me release

this. Now it’s going up into my brain stem, and it’s still stuck in my throat. Whoa! It’s

like an energetic being inside of me that's moving up and trying to move out. It’s clinging, especially

to the roof of my mouth and my brain stem and the top of my spine, but it’s starting

to move out. They're moving it out. I have the sense that my guide and other forces are getting

rid of this for me. Now it’s getting to the core of my brain. I'm seeing if I’m getting a

memory. It doesn't feel like it needs to. It’s still moving out. I need to work with this. Trust…..

it’s about trust. Trust that it’s really being released, really letting go. Just trust. Select your

level of trust. My guide says, “Trust me.” I say, “Of course I trust you!” I'm the one that's

holding it, and I'm trying to let it go. It’s like it’s evaporating off my skin. I’m honoring it and

thanking it, but asking it to go. That wasn’t me, but… right now it seems more helpful for me

to just feel it. Feel that feeling. There’s a shape in the density to it, and it’s becoming more

and more diffused and evaporating. Its connection into my body is less and less.

SML: Can you trust to let it all go?

M: Some came back to my throat just then.

SML: Ask your guide to help you. Trust your guide to help you.

M: (in a serious voice) I was beheaded in one of my lives. My guide is saying that it will be released,

but I have to practice this for a little while longer, but not that long. Just a couple

months or something, and it will all be released.

SML: Do you need to know anything more about that lifetime that would be helpful to put it in


M: “Fearful human, Marc” is trying to avoid revisiting this lifetime, but my guide says, yes,

let’s go into this lifetime. I was a warrior, and I thought I was on the right side of the war. This

is an extreme example of trying to force others to do what you think is right through violence

and aggression and domination. They made an example of my death. I was a general or a

king. I find this kind of repulsive to my “current self”…..if my “current self” exists, but I

mean this consciousness. After the moment of my death and the time around my death, the

spirit really lingered around. My spirit lingered around to see the whole spectacle of my head

paraded around. It was belittled and defamed and just beaten and kicked around until there

was no skin left on the face. I was reviled, dehumanized and hated. Even though I was primarily

good, except for killing other people for what I thought was for good. My spirit needed to

see all that in order to get the full effect of the incongruity of what I believed I was doing

versus the real reality.

SML: Did you come away with that understanding?

M: No, I was really mad and I still am. Not that much, but still a little bit. The anger and the

righteousness was not all burned out, it was still there. And I still held onto a lot of that

righteous indignation that hasn’t all melted away. It was a big battle, and it was very foolish

stuff for me to think one side was more right than the other. It's absurd. I feel it less already

in my throat.

SML: Putting it in proper perspective will help you let it go. Trust your guide to help you release


M: It took me quite a while after that lifetime to clear out enough so I could see the Council.

SML: What else can help you?

M: My guide is telling me to trust my higher nature, but not the more base impulses. They’re

saying it in a much more beautiful way. Not the human stuff, but more the spirit stuff like my

intuition, and my intention is correct and pure, but then I got caught up in the power over

others instead of power with others, and I got away from the pure cooperation and the good

of all, and I went more toward domination and the benefit of the few. It was a big kingdom. I

thought it was for the greater good, but it was not for the greatest good of all. So I lost sight

of the “of all.” I was corrupted by the greed, power and fear. I started out with feelings of

love and desire to help and protect others, and then I let the fear and greed take over because

I had the desire for power. I was deluding myself at the time, thinking that I was doing

it for good, and it took me a long time to clear that out. It’s the whole arrogance thing….. the

righteous indignation is just another form of violence that does not honor the good of all, so

my guide is telling me to just keep in mind that when you serve, it has to serve the good of

all. This is your guidance in every moment and every situation. It includes whoever is right in

front of you. It’s not an abstract concept. In a way, it seems so simple, but I lost track of that

in that lifetime. So she’s saying trust your intuition and instinct, but just remember to make

sure it is for the good of all.

I thank this guide for that information and for sharing that with me also, and I am told that I

am welcome.

SML: You have no more questions that you have given me, but are there any more that you

would like to ask now? Or perhaps your guide would like to share something else with you.

M: My guide is saying to thank you deeply, like I was flippant in the way I said it, but that’s

not how it’s coming from the guide. She says to thank you very deeply for doing this work and

for helping me to get this guidance this time on this journey. My guide says that you’re doing

what you’re supposed to do on your journey, and it’s very beautiful, and they are very grateful

for you.

SML: Tell her I am very honored to be doing it. Thank you. What else can she tell you right


M: My guide is telling me that she’s always with me. All I need to do is pay attention. Ask and

you shall receive. Listen and you’ll hear. Pay attention and I am there. It’s very direct. Just

shift your attention, it’s not even “ask,” the guide is always there and always open. All you

have to do is shift to that channel; turn the dial to that channel. Listen, ask and listen. Just

feeling the energy is helpful for me rather than trying to turn it into language and words that

I have to convey to someone else. I just can feel it. And that’s a lot faster, especially over the

next short period when I am completely releasing all this fear, lack of trust and all that. And

when I’m releasing, just feel the energy and feel the transformation and trust it and you’ll be

feeling it, and it will continue at a very accelerated rate compared to normal. That's another

gift that I'm receiving right now is that the transformation can happen very quickly. Just feel

the energy and don’t try to relate it to anything historical or the past or the future. It’s like

the next couple months (I’ve heard this twice now) is the time for me to release this and to

just trust it and feel it. And I will remember exactly how to do that. I can just tune into the

“guide channel,” and it’ll help me feel it.

SML: Is there anywhere else you'd like to go, perhaps the place where you select your upcoming


M: Yes. But let me ask. Yes, my guide will take me there. (after a moment) We could’ve gone

slowly, but no, we're there. It’s like a cylindrical chamber that goes up. I can’t see the limit

of it. It seems brighter at the top. With light on the top. The bottom is darker, and you can go

anywhere you want and select different consoles. There are consoles that you can look at,

and the guide, my guide, took me there. And then……. I’m just so dazzled by this that I’m

having a hard time focusing my attention on who is with me. I know my guide took me there,

and it seems like there’s another guide or two there that are helping us. I am trying to try to

pay attention to it all. I’m like a kid in the candy store, and I’m having a hard time focusing…

SML: Do you make the decision yourself, or is it a group decision?

M: You make it yourself …….It’s not self really, I don’t know if there even really is a self. It’s

like we are merged with the guides and in the guidance, all the way up, and all the way

down, but there is an aspect of individual choice involved. I guess you could say no, but you

wouldn’t dream of saying no. I trust them up there. There is an aspect of individual choice

involved. (Laughs) It’s kind of like you could say they’re convincing you because they are really

patient, so they you give you the impression that you are choosing. But they really are

choosing what they know to be best for you. They’re kind of settling me down right

now....getting the kid in the candy store to settle down, and they’re showing me, and I’m trying

to look at consoles. I start to look at other consoles, but they are guiding me to the right

level, the right region and giving me kind of a glimpse of the other ones, but they're really

showing me the next life. It's like they are very patient because I keep saying, “Would it work

if I do this or I do that,” and then they give me a glimpse of other screens or consoles. You

can say they’re like screens, but you can just watch a simulation of that world and that life

and it's three dimensional, so you have glimpses of experiences, but they explain it to you.

Just because you see these scenes, it doesn’t mean it’s guaranteed to happen. There are so

many interconnected things happening all the time. So if this thing happens, another thing

will happen. It’s like they are giving you examples of things that may happen in the different

lifetimes, but it’s just giving you a feel for it. But you get a really good sense of the general

capabilities of that body and the mind, the intuition and all the senses beyond the normal

five, and also the body’s innate ability versus developing ability. And some of the other

types.... It is not like they’re taking other souls from your group, but soul types, like the antagonist

or the compatible one and you know there’s going to be some helpful ones. I guess

you do know a few members of the soul groups who are going to be in this life with you. I’m

getting that really clear. (After a pause) They’re like ....okay, this is really incredible because

I’m being shown multidimensionally, not just one instance of this, but many instances

of this. I can only see a dozen simultaneously because that’s all my brain can hold at the moment.

Usually they really encourage you to take this one, even if you’re too dim to pick it,

but sometimes they give you a choice of two or three. Sometimes it could be even more like

four or five, but usually it’s two or three. And any one is equally okay. It’s like any of these

two or three would be roughly the same. Then they lay out the elements because we like having

variety in the selection, but it really is pretty much aligned to growth and linear evolution.

SML: And one that you may not choose. Is that available to you another time?

M: No, the lifetimes are never the same twice. You can’t pick a lifetime later on if you don’t

pick it now, because lifetimes are never the same twice. You can pick a certain type of profession,

or type of body, but all the conditions are different, even if it's in the same country.

Let's say you wanted to be a Tibetan Lama one time. Well, that option will be available to you

and could be available to you in the future, but it won't be the same. It would appear differently.

The teachings will be different. The teachings to the soul group would be different. The

particular evolutionary chain would be different. So that’s important because your purpose,

your small-scale purpose, will overlap with the cultural purpose and humanity’s evolutionary

purpose, and the timing of those are important. You might be really curious about a Tibetan

Lama, but it just might not be right for you at a given time.

SML: What about choices of time periods, different times in history?

M: Let me see. Are you saying can I go back in time or forward in time in my choices?

SML: Yes. How does that work?

M: This is way more interdimensional than one can conceive of it. You might choose a life

that’s 100,000 years in the future or 100,000 years in the past or on another planet, a totally

different evolutionary progression on a different planet and it may seem primitive or advanced

but …..There is kind of like a linear thread for your experience, but when you go like

from this lifetime, I might go into a lifetime that may seem more primitive. It’s not clear to

me from my perspective right now if it’s 100,000 years in the future or 100,000 years in the

past or another planet.

SML: So you don’t choose based on that anyway, just on the life itself.

M: You choose the life itself. It is definitely .... karma is not……..… I’m not getting into that.

SML: Have you chosen a life on another planet?

M: Oh, yeah. I have chosen life on another planet. Many times.

SML: Very often?

M: Let me see. This is some wild stuff. This is like time and space is turned inside out. I can

see it a little bit, but I can’t comprehend it really. It doesn’t even make sense to say this

planet or other planets because in a way it’s all like simulated projection, but you could say

that other planets are nested inside this planet, and this planet that we think of as being for

human beings in this century are nested inside other planets. So it’s just like going to another

layer and that’s just the way it’s being shown to me. That’s even not accurate, but it’s the

only way my Marc mind can comprehend. But it is way more multidimensional than humans

talk about now in this century. In a way this is a very primitive planet and life for many of

us….most of us, it’s all relative.

SML: The last time you were in the selection area how many choices did you have?

M: I just had one choice and this one was it. I mean, I thought I had other choices. They let

me shop around. Mary was going to be here (Marc's wife in his current life), and my mom was

going to be here, and to be here right now it’s very exciting. It’s a very exciting time for this

planet and this population for the evolution of this collective consciousness manifesting in the

beings that are here right now. This is exciting. This is a very exciting time for this planet.

SML: Tell me more about that.

M: It is the end of one era and the beginning of another. It is a gradual thing over a long time

period. It will take more than just one lifetime, but it’s the beginning of a cycle. We are getting

more back to the other… Going back to the garden and toward harmony and to cooperation.

We're pretty much at the peak of war and destroying the earth and all that. This is the

worst it’s going get. I don’t know from my little perspective, but it is like an alcoholic bottoming

out. This is hitting bottom, and it might get a little worse before it gets better, but

basically the getting better is already happening parallel with the bottoming out. So getting

better is rising up big right now, real big. Wow! And it’s beautiful like a beautiful flower, the

uplift part. Even with all the scary stuff, it's beautiful. This human life is that in the microcosm.

SML: For those who have chosen to be here now?

M: That is why a lot of us are here now.... for the uplift part. This human life is that in the


SML: Ask your guide how best can we help this all along?

M: Each in our own way. There is no one answer for everyone, but we know it when we feel it.

Simplicity really, every choice, every step, every breath is to serve the greatest possible

good, and the self is included in that. You don’t have to live in poverty or be homeless on the

street to be part of the greatest good, but you don’t need more than you need either. I don’t

know how else to say it. Wow. That’s so amazing, that even just my guide...... oh, I don’t

mean to say it disparagingly...... every guide is a channel for infinite wisdom like this, and

each of us are.

SML: Anything else important to know?

M: This life was pretty much created for me as an ideal match. I wasn’t allowed too much arrogance,

but there’s great capacity still there, and it’s a beautiful gift. But it took me a long

time to realize that.

SML: Anything else your guide has to say about this?

M: My guide is telling me, or showing me, that I don’t really need these antagonistic, tricky,

angry sneaky lessons anymore. I don’t need to choose those, and she’s telling me to go with

the uplifted, the light, high ….higher companions and influences that are around as opposed

to the darker ones. In this lifetime …..right now. And that will help with the trust thing and

with my life’s work. With the all that is me. Go with the light beings. Thank the others, bless

them and honor them, but let them go on their journey. Don’t try to change them or fix them.

It’s like the same lesson over and over. How many times do I have to get it. But it is true this

lifetime as well. So my guide says, go ahead, go back.

SML: Are you sure you're ready?

M: Yes.

I suggest that Marc be guided back into his body, and I add my suggestion that this beautiful

world is always accessible. He arrives back in his body and is brought to full waking consciousness

with a complete memory of everything he experienced

Sarah's Questions About Her Soul and the Otherworldly Answers She Received

‘Sarah’s Questions about Her Soul and the Otherworldly Answers She Received’

Session with Sylvia McLeod

“I believe this is a good time for me to do this work with you because I have expanded my consciousness a great deal in the last couple of years, I sense a shift approaching for me and I usually do well with a nudge (or a swift kick in the backside). Dr. Newton’s books fascinate me and it seemed that working with you would provide information to inform my choices and assist me in knowing myself at an even deeper level. I am feeling a little restless, usually a precursor to a significant change.” -Sarah

After her first PLR Sarah told me that she had a flow of helpful awareness since the regression and was looking forward to her LBL session - her first one. In this first LBL session she reached an understanding about a relationship that was very important to her but didn’t appear to be going anywhere. We were both aware after this first session that there was more information available for her, but it was just too much for Sarah to continue the session for any longer at that time.

After about six months had passed, Sarah contacted me again and said that she was ready for a second LBL. She wanted to more fully explore questions about her life purpose, finding a partner, her finances, and reframing her approach to financial well-being. She also wanted to know where she was in her spiritual development and what she may find out that would enhance her growth and help her find contentment. This second LBL proceeded as follows:

After her induction involving relaxation and guided imagery, I guide Sarah to her earliest happy memory as a child.

S: I’m with my dad….he’s tickling me!

SML: How old are you?

S: I’m maybe 2 years old.

SML: Now enjoy that happy memory with your dad at age two, breathe it all in and just be there (long pause). Now we will disengage from that scene and move down to the time just before your birth…(After a pause to allow Sarah to orient herself) Now you are in your mother’s womb, and you’re about to be born soon….tell me how your body is feeling right now?

S: It seems there is a little tension in my body. I feel that this tension is coming from my mother.

SML: Can you feel your mother’s emotions, and can you influence her when she’s feeling tense?

S: I can feel her emotions from time to time, and I feel I can somewhat influence her when she’s feeling stressed.  She’s tired right now.

SML: How are you feeling about the body you have chosen for your upcoming life?

S: This body is a good fit for me because it is resilient and strong, and it responds. I feel like the body is a good vehicle for me to accomplish what I want to accomplish. It’s smart and the brain is easy to work with.

SML: How does this body compare to others you have occupied?

S: Compared to other bodies I have occupied …….  I’ve had so many, I don’t even know how to answer.

SML: Do you leave your body often to go other places?

S: I took my time showing up, so once I was here, I mostly stayed. The reason I chose this body this time was because it will be surprising to some people. There is an element of tricking people, in a way. I didn’t want to look the part, so to speak.

SML: How will that help you accomplish what you want to accomplish?

S: People will not have to accept something contrary to what they expected. It’s part of teaching. It will help me, and it’s also fun. I thought it would be a good time to be female, and choosing a female body at this time is easier. It is easier to be a woman and avoid some of the ego issues I have found in males before. It will be helpful for my growth, and the culture is needing more heart. Women are more easily seen in that role, so that will be easier. There will be a lot of refinement of certain issues that are unresolved, some physical issues and the way to a bigger purpose. Solving small issues when I’m younger, and then the bigger purpose later. I will be carrying a large energy at a time when there is an opening so that others may follow more easily.

I now guide Sarah to a past life that I suggest is the most relevant to today’s session

SML: What is your environment like where you are?

S: It’s dark. It seems very dark. I see a place in the distance, and it seems ultramodern. It’s like a science fiction movie. It’s sort of barren and there are tall buildings, and it feels like it’s under a dome. When I say barren I mean there are no trees, and it’s kind of deserty. The dome is in the desert. I am wearing some sort of a jumpsuit and boots. I’m a male, and I’m something like 40 years old.  My name is Jack.

SML: Where is the city? Is it on earth?

J for Jack:  I am either on another planet or on the moon or something. When I look into the sky, it’s dark space. But I am in the dome. Everybody is busy, and it seems that we are farming and growing food. I don’t see any animals. We’re growing vegetables and all sorts of things. We are experimenting. There are quite a few of us….. (a pause) I feel like I’m a scientist of some sort. I wasn’t born here. Nobody was born here. We are all from somewhere else. I am from the Earth. I feel like there have been two earths, and on one there are just too many people and they are starving. They have lost their capacity for farming, so we are experimenting with ways to restore their planet. The goal is to find methods to create these growing spaces in order to help them be able to grow food.

SML: When you mention two earths, what do you mean?

J: I was born in a lovely place, not on the overpopulated Earth. It’s really kind of sad.

SML: What prompted you to be part of this experiment to help the planet (Earth) that you are not from?

 J: It was my memory of Atlantis. We were working on many things as scientists and some things became out-of-control. There were explosions and problems and panic and destruction, and I just felt as if this time I could offer aid.

SML: Do you, Jack, have a full memory of your life on Atlantis that prompted you to do this work?

J: Yes, I do remember that time. People do have conscious access to those memories, and it helps you with some choices. (After a pause) This is like a field assignment for me. I am here for a while, some months, and people come and go. And when I go back to my planet . . .  it is a beautiful place . . . peaceful and expansive and nurturing for body, mind, and soul. It is similar to the old Earth in some ways. There are lots of flowers, water and forests. The civilization is refined, and we are telepathic most of the time.

SML: Tell me more about these two Earths…

J: They were once conjoined, the two Earths. They are us in a way. They are our deep ancestral guides. I keep feeling that there was a bifurcation of some kind. People like us were of a different nature, and it was a choice; there was a choice. The people on the overpopulated planet chose to create that reality for themselves. This is part of their evolution, and we are allowed to assist. That’s why we are farming. And my desire to assist was also prompted by the memory of the Atlantis life.

SML: Tell me about the others who are there with you.

J: Some are here for similar reasons. Some are just farmers and they love to grow things. They work with the nature spirits and are happy to have farming to do. I don’t think the other planet knows of our plan yet ….. there seems to be a need for some diplomacy here. I mean, first. The other planet is not aware of our existence. (Following a pause) I keep seeing other beings here that are blue. They have very odd-shaped heads, sort of like a hammerhead shark. They seem to have some ability to educate us here about this . . . it has to do with the project. I don’t know how . . . it’s not my department. They seem to be helping with the more advanced growing techniques.

SML: Anything else important to know before we move on?

J: It seems like it is hard for me to accept that I am doing this service for . . . that’s not quite right. I am doing a good thing here. A good, big thing here, and my challenge is to allow myself to feel that. I minimize my contribution, and it’s like I’m stuck feeling bad about the past, meaning Atlantis. It is about allowing the beauty of it all. To allow the goodness to inhabit me and propel me forward, more or less, instead of troubling over old things gone wrong and driving me backwards. This is part of how we accelerate our spiritual growth because we have that knowing from our other experiences. It doesn’t necessarily make it easy. It does make it clear that I need to let go of something from that time. That’s why I’ve chosen to live this life. Because of that challenge.

I guide Sarah to the last day of her life as Jack.

J: I have white hair and a white beard. I am at my home, and there are others with me. I am ready to walk away from this vehicle and I am content. There are some gathered with me, and we do some talking and some laughing and I give appreciation for my experience. It soothes me to have lived this life. I stepped more into the fullness of myself. Unfortunately, the experiments I participated in were not particularly well received by the people on the other Earth. (This subject will be revisited later in the session).

I guide Sarah to rise above the body after the death and asked if she is ready to move away. She indicates that she is ready.

J: I am floating above my body looking down. My death was peaceful, and it was time. I have a wonderful light feeling of floating. It gets brighter and brighter, and I’m happy. I am feeling pulled quite quickly, and right now I’m sort of flying backwards around the clouds. I sense a brightness behind me. I am moving to a stream of water and sitting for a moment on a crystalline rock. I’m putting my feet in the water. I seem to all of a sudden have clothes on. I sense a presence walking towards me. And yes, it is my old friend and teacher, Jesu, coming to meet me. Today he is wearing a white robe with a golden sash around his waist. My feeling is that he has a flair for costuming, and I appreciate that. He knows I appreciate that.  He says, “Job well done.” I think he would like me to meet someone or some people. Oh . . . it is the review.

I ask Sarah her spiritual name, and she says that she knows it but finds that she is unable to pronounce it.

SML: (Continuing) what happens next?

S (for Sarah, since she can’t pronounce her spirit name): I am moving with Jesu somewhere. Oh, we’re in the review room. (After a pause) this time there are five beings at my review. This time is different. They are not sitting in a circle. They are up on a platform behind, like a judge would be. They are in a crescent-moon shape, and my guide is a step behind me. They are the same beings, but there are fewer of them this time. Sometimes it is in a different space, and I go in and sit down with them, but this time they are standing in front of me. They ask me how I think things went, and I tell them that I thought I expanded myself. They say that it appears that way to them. What was also true is that I chose a very stark situation. I was okay with that, though; it was not complicated learning. It was more of an opening to a higher, bigger awareness. They wonder what I want to do next. I don’t know. It seems that there is one place where I am stuck on something. I almost feel that they are frustrated with me, but that could be me projecting. I know they see things about me maybe better than I do. They wish for me to become bigger, more expansive. They keep giving me a message to go visit a nursing home. I don’t know if it’s there or here. They said it would be fine for Jesu to take me there.

I have Sarah ask the Council if now is an appropriate time for questions, and they indicate that it is. We pose Sarah’s question about worrying about financial abundance and her approach to her financial well-being.

S: They say it is as if I am holding onto something by a thread, and when the thread is cut or broken then abundance flows in on all levels. I was asking them how to break that thread, and they say that there are options. They tell me that it relates still to my Atlantean experience. It would seem that there is no real reason to hang on, it’s just some habit almost, but to imagine the string just being cut is probably not enough. One could revisit Atlantis with a broader perspective, or it might be the trip to the nursing home.

We ask Sarah’s next question – What more can I know regarding my life’s purpose, and how can I find a sense of passion and excitement?

S: They say, “Next question!”  (Sarah laughs)

SML: Your next question is, “What is the significance of my still being single. How can I attract a partner in light of the fact that I want a partner?”

S: They say that I would not want to attract a partner while I was still tied by my emotional string to my experience in Atlantis. Therefore, they say, do not feed that energy. They are commending me for my work with Isaac (Sarah’s friend who was the subject of another session I had with Sarah), and they are suggesting that that would be the same sort of release that will allow things to be possible energetically.

SML:  Next question: “Where am I in my spiritual development, and what can I do to enhance my growth at this time?”

S: (Smiling) It’s good to know the spirit world has a sense of humor. They just really want me to get on with it and have Jesu take me to the nursing home.

SML: Okay, Jesu will take you to the nursing home. Describe everything that happens.

S:  We are walking past some buildings that look sort of sad, and we are approaching one now that seems happier. Jesu is saying that we don’t really even have go in if I don’t want to. He wants me to understand that even those who are aged or infirm can carry a vibration of havingness. It’s quite amazing really. It’s a lovely place. Green growing things, sparkling air, it’s really good. I don’t really see many people yet. I sense that they are there. There is one person who says that we could visit, so we go down the hall to a room. There are two people in this room, a man and a woman who are both very near to their passing and are simply glowing. They want me to be glowing as well, and I do want to be glowing. And when I think about being glowing, there is some lump in my throat. Jesu says that it is only the fear that is the problem.

SML: Can Jesu help you understand that fear?

S: Yes, he can. It is a little hard for me to see. He says it is not as simple as that I was glowing and something happened, it is….  He is showing me myself as some sort of royalty, a queen, and it has something to do with, wow, either a child that I conceived, a child who died or a child that I couldn’t conceive. He is showing me this as if there’s some sort of hole in my gut, but it’s not really a hole. It’s not a disease. It’s like dark energy. He says that when I bore children even though they were sons as expected, my husband, the King, was unhappy with them and me and had a mistress quite publicly. I took it in, and I hid my feelings and became tough, and I had much influence actually. I raised these boys as best I could, but there was something not quite right with them. One was kind of dumb, not real bright, and one was sort of emotionally immature, and there may have been another. It seems as if I was older when they were conceived, and that I employed the use of a witch sort of person, a man, for potions. And then when everything turned out the way it did, I felt great guilt. I felt like my bad feelings or his bad feelings or the potions were a cause of all this.

SML: Why are you being shown this?

S: It was about hiding things, and it was about a certain shame that was not appropriate. I ended up with much power, but no happiness. Now is time to be both happy and powerful. I was powerful in that life because I was the queen. The king died, and then our son was king. Only I was really the one behind his throne, and I dedicated myself to that cause. Then when that son died, I did the same with the other son.  So that energy need not be repeated.

SML: Part of your message from your Council was about the Atlantean life.

S: They think I have misinterpreted my role there. I am on a bridge with many others, including Mark, who is now a teacher to me in my current life, and in the confusion many people died. The bridge blew up and we lost our cool. We could have led people in a different direction, but it seems like there was something that we did for too long, or we didn’t stop in time or something like that. There was a good purpose behind what we were doing, but we came to the scene too late to turn everyone around. I didn’t cause the explosion, and I wasn’t really responsible for it. I just felt an overwhelming sorrow. I think it is that I felt I did not do enough.

SML: I have a question for Jesu about your life as Jack and the fact that you had a memory of all your other lives in that lifetime. (I am now speaking directly with Jesu.) Is remembering past lives something that is going to start becoming accessible for us humans in the near or foreseeable future? Is that part of human evolution?

J for Jesu, speaking through S: Yes, some at first, and others in time. Some awareness from our higher bodies will be available.

SML: Is there something causing this? Or is there higher energy available?

J: Many realms are working with the Earth, herself, and those on her to raise the frequency and restore the planet to its wholeness. We see progress in this area. Getting back to Sarah, she has felt tension with Mark and this needs now to be released. This stems from that lifetime in Atlantis.

SML: What would be helpful to facilitate that release?

J: We can do it now. We are doing it now. Sarah, the choice was made when Mark came back as a teacher of many and with his own human foibles. It could have been Sarah who made that choice or some others as well, but she deferred. The deferring is no problem, it is the judgment about it that creates troubles. As we speak, there are higher beings who are embracing the facilitation of the release. It will allow Sarah more energy for doing her spiritual work with Mark’s teaching. Just as having a child who is not like every other is no reason to feel bad, it is the judgment that makes it so once again. So it is that judgment that must be released.

SML: With Mark and Sarah releasing that energy and their higher beings facilitating that release, will this carry over to Sarah’s life as Jack? Since that was the same issue that he was attempting to resolve in that lifetime?

J: Yes, and the hungry people on Earth will better accept their gift (the food) from the dome when it is given with that improved energetic.

SML: What else can you tell me that would be helpful for Sarah and for the healing of humanity?

J: We see that there has been a point past where it is now most appropriate to be optimistic and celebrate the positive aspects. There has been much work done by many on the earth in this process. There will be distractions, and it is wisest to move past them without spending energy there. There will be changes that we cannot describe because you cannot comprehend. At some point more abundance will be available to all. There is that which is available now, and there is a great struggle with this. It will take some time. It could happen faster as people understand the nature of frequency. When one is pulled or yanked into a darker frequency, such as fear, it is important not to judge, and to accept that from time to time we may fall into a place such as that. And then we have the opportunity to recognize and move away into a better place without blame. That is really how life moves forward with joy, by raising the frequencies so the negative will just disappear. It is important for those who work with others in distress to remember not to absorb unhealthy frequencies, and Sarah must remember to do that.

SML: Is there anything else important for Sarah to know right now?

J: I see happy times for Sarah ahead. She just needs to step into them and watch for our pokes and prods along the way.

SML: Thank you, Jesu, all these messages are so helpful.

J: We are pleased.

SML:  Is there anything else that Sarah needs to see in the nursing home, or is there anywhere else you would like to take her?

S: Jesu says that he would like Sarah to have her life unfold before entering such a home, and that pausing is fine, stalling is not.

It is not clear exactly what Jesu meant in referring to the home, assuming it was the nursing home they had visited, but it seemed to me that there was an intent on his part to be wrapping up the session. I deferred to this intent and did not try to explore his meaning.

SML: Anything else important for Sarah to know or anywhere important for her to go?

S:  Not at this time, no.

Sarah indicates that her visit feels complete, and I make the suggestions to bring her back to full consciousness.

After some time had passed since the second LBL session with Sarah, I emailed her and asked how she was doing.  The following is an excerpt from her answer.

“After the PLR and LBL sessions you facilitated for me, I can say that my life has improved in many significant ways.  Here are examples:  For one, I had invested a considerable amount of emotional energy in a relationship that was not going anywhere although I knew the other person had deep feelings for me. During one session I was able to have a conversation with this person, and though I can’t totally remember what we said, I understood why we were stalled out and was able to let go of any hope I had for the partnership. This has created an ease around the situation that I am most grateful for having. I was also able to understand the dynamics in a family relationship, and that knowing allowed me to accept circumstances as they are and brought me much peace. I have gained tremendous insight as a result of this ork.”

Following this interchange, Sarah subsequently contacted me again about a third LBL session, and we have it scheduled. It will be very interesting to see the direction it takes.