About Sylvia Claire
"Under my guidance my clients are able to more easily tap into their higher selves and inner resources, leading to significant improvement in their overall well-being.” – Sylvia Claire
Sylvia is a graduate of the Hypnotherapy Academy of America in Santa Fe, New Mexico. She has completed over 500 hours of training and holds a certificate as a Clinical Hypnotherapist. She is certified by the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners (ACHE).
Sylvia specializes in Past Life and Natal Regression therapy and is certified in Life Between Lives Therapy® by The Newton Institute (TNI).
A graduate of The Academy of Clairvoyance and Consciousness (ACC) Advanced Clairvoyant Training Program, Sylvia uses her innate abilities to effectively read auras, chakras, and practice energy reading and healing. She is well practiced in understanding how to combine these skills with hypnotherapy to make important and positive differences in the lives of her clients.
As a young child Sylvia was inspired by her mother, Pat, who was a member of the Spiritualists‘ National Union (SNU) and shared stories with Sylvia about her favorite Aunt, Maudie, who was an English medium. In the late 1960s Pat participated in psychic studies for the The American Society for Psychical Research.
Sylvia has a variety of skills and interests. She was originally interested in a law career, but after interning at a law firm as a student she decided it was definitely not for her. Instead she was drawn to aesthetics and the arts as well as the medical and wellness fields. She has also been a personal trainer and life coach for more than 25 years, which gives her an appreciation and understanding of the body/mind connection. She has traveled extensively throughout Europe, India and Nepal and has lived in both England and Switzerland.
Updated locations: Bandera, TX. (Please contact for more info).